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Cottonwood Heights Journal

Property Tax Relief

Jun 06, 2023 01:30PM ● By Aimee Winder Newton

Who loves getting their property tax statement each year? Yeah, me neither. In addition to fighting to keep your taxes low, I am also looking for more efficient ways to use the dollars we are given. But I often think about those who are on fixed incomes or who are struggling to make ends meet. When these people receive their property tax statement, it can be overwhelming. The Salt Lake County Council wants to ensure everyone receives information about potential property tax relief and has taken measures to better inform you.

Each July the Salt Lake County Auditor sends a Notice of Valuation to Salt Lake County property owners that includes information about the current assessed value of your home or business. This year you may notice new information that is included with this statement regarding tax relief programs for eligible residents.

In order to increase public awareness and recognize that eligible taxpayers would likely benefit from receiving earlier notice about these programs, the Salt Lake County Council recently approved funding to include an informational Tax Relief card with the annual Notice of Valuation statement. The hope is this notification will provide taxpayers enough notice to meet the Sept. 1 application deadline for these programs.

If you own and occupy a home or mobile home you may be eligible for property tax relief or deferment. A quick overview of the following eligibility screening may help see if you meet the initial requirements. Additional requirement for each specific program could apply: 

• Age 66 or widowed with annual household income not exceeding $38,369. This amount includes social security, retirement plan distributions, etc.

• Age 65 or disabled with annual household income and assets not exceeding $38,369.

• Any age in extreme hardship with annual household income and assets not exceeding $38,369.

• Veteran or their surviving spouse with a service connected disability or long-term active duty outside of Utah.

• Person legally blind in both eyes or their surviving spouse.

• Age 75 prior to Jan. 1, 2024 and meet certain property valuation criteria.

The county treasurer is responsible for collecting taxes for over 70 different entities, not just Salt Lake County. That means that your city/township, school district, water districts, and other entities show up on your property tax statement. Once we receive the tax funds, we distribute it to the different taxing entities.

The Salt Lake County Assessor oversees the assessment of your property value. Once your value is assessed, then the tax rate is applied to that amount. If you think your assessed value is incorrect, you can appeal it between Aug. 1 – Sept. 15. Just go to to see instructions.

For frequently asked questions and additional details regarding your Notice of Valuation statement please visit

For additional information regarding tax relief programs in Salt Lake County please visit or call 385-468-8300.

I’m grateful we can give relief to those who need it, but I also firmly believe that the best way we can help all residents is to trim our budgets and then be as efficient as possible with the dollars we are given.