It’s graduation time for 800-plus local high school seniors
Apr 30, 2022 09:32AM ● By Julie Slama
Canyons School District will celebrate graduating seniors who include those who have attended school all 12 years since the creation of the district in 2009. (Image courtesy of Canyons School District)
By Julie Slama | [email protected]
More than 850 Brighton and Cottonwood high school seniors will turn their tassels at commencement exercises this spring.
At 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 25, about 465 Brighton High seniors will throw their mortarboards in the sky in celebration of graduating from high school. The exercises will be held at the Maverik Center, 3200 Decker Lake Drive, West Valley. Families, friends and guests are invited to attend; graduating seniors will be given ticket information.
Speaking at the commencement exercises is Canyons School District Superintendent Rick Robbins. The graduation theme comes from author JK Rowling: “We are only as strong as we are united; as weak as we are divided.”
Also, to commemorate Canyons School District’s first graduating class that will include students who have spent their entire K-12 school years in the district, each graduate will receive a gift from the Canyons Board of Education and Administration signifying their place in Canyons District’s history.
Cottonwood seniors will walk in their commencement exercises at 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 1, in front of their families and friends for graduation. The exercise is a ticketed event; seniors will be allotted eight tickets. The ceremony will be held in Cottonwood’s auditorium, 5715 S. 1300 East, Murray.
The ceremony, which will include board members Julie Jackson, Nicole McDermott and Clarke Nelson along with retiring Principal Terri Roylance and other administrators, will include performances by the school band, orchestra and Madrigals. The theme, chosen by the senior class officers, is from NBA great Kobe Bryant: “Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.”
Preceding the ceremony, soon-to-be graduates will parade through local junior highs and elementary schools on May 31 where younger students will cheer for them. That evening will be the annual senior sunset, where seniors will meet one last time on the football field and open the letters that they wrote to themselves at the beginning of the school year during senior sunrise.
Cottonwood High’s Grad Night 2022 party is from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., Wednesday, June 1 at All Star Bowling in West Valley City.