Whitmore Library Makes New Improvements with Residents in Mind
Dec 07, 2015 03:09PM ● By Bryan Scott
By Cassandra Goff
Cottonwood-Holladay - During a city council meeting on Oct. 27, Whitmore library representatives discussed the improvements made to the library over the summer with Cottonwood Heights City Council.
Whitmore Library was closed most of the summer to make improvements. On Sept. 19, the doors to an improved local library were opened. 1,500 people attended the grand reopening and made 4,000 checkouts.
The library improvements include new LED lighting, new carpet, restructured check-out desk and a bigger teen area. The public computers have been upgraded and new screens have been added. An additional check-out in the children section of the library has been added to make library visits easier for families. An entrance from the North parking lot has also been added.
Jobnow is a new service at Whitmore Library. It is an online help site designed for assistance with resumes and interviews. This is free with a library card.
Brainviews, a new online tutoring program, has been added for students visiting the library. Designed with young students and adult learners in mind, professional tutors that are certified teachers or professors are on the other end of the connection for live interaction. Brainviews is a national program that is available from 2 to 7 p.m. on the weekdays. It is free with a library card.
Upcoming Events at Whitmore Library
December 2 at 7 p.m. -- Christmas Creations with Angel Shannon for adults/teens. Learn to make a tabletop tree and holiday snowflakes.
December 8 at 10:30 a.m. -- The Little Snowplow story time with author Lora Koehler. Story time and activities for all ages.
December 14 at 7 p.m. -- Holiday Music with the Otter Creek Duo. A holiday musical treat for families.
December 15 at 10:30 a.m. -- Christmas Crafts and Cartoons for kids. Fun crafts and holiday cartoons for all ages.
Monday, December 7 at 7 p.m. -- Scholarships and Financial Planning for College
Thinking about college? Not sure how to pay for it? Come learn about financing and scholarship options at this free workshop.
Saturday, December 19 at 4:30 p.m. -- Utah Old Time Fiddlers
Enjoy an afternoon of old time fiddle and country music with the Utah Old Time Fiddlers. This concert is for music lovers of all ages.
We will also have story time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m., Gotta Move on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Preschool Power Play on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. (except for the week of Dec. 28-31).
Whitmore Library is located at 2197 Fort Union Boulevard.