Ski & Snowboard News / Plant trees at Solitude this Saturday
Sep 29, 2015 04:19PM ● By Harriet Wallisphoto: Harriet Wallis
For the second year in a row, Solitude Mountain Resort will host a tree planting event on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is now open and 150 volunteers are needed. Volunteers ages 10 and older are encouraged to sign up here.
Long ago, the mountains of Big and Little Cottonwood Canyon were heavily timbered by the pioneers in order to their build homes and other structures in Salt Lake City. The mountain environment is so harsh that the forests are slow to come back.
This Saturday, Solitude is hosting the tree planting sponsored by Mark Miller Subaru, TreeUtah and Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation.
It's part of Mark Miller Subaru’s “Driving Green” program that pledges to plant a new tree in Utah for every car sold from either of Mark Miller Subaru’s two locations. Since January, 2014 they have planted over 6,000 trees.