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Cottonwood Heights Journal

Ski & Snowboard News / A good winter read

Jan 30, 2015 06:02PM ● By Harriet Wallis

photo: Harriet Wallis

Utah has long claimed to have the Greatest Snow on Earth,and the state has even trademarked the phrase. Now, Jim Steenburgh, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Utah, investigates the Wasatch weather. In his recent book, Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth, he exposes myths and explains realities.

It's readable and it's fun. He explains "Goldilocks storms" and "right side up" storms. He also explains dirty snow, where it comes from and why it melts faster.

He also looks beyond the Wasatch Front to compare our weather with several locations around the world: Ben Lomand peak near Ogden as well as areas of the mountain west and Japan.

This book is a guide to mountain weather along the Wasatch as well as snow climates around the world. Hard copy and electronic available.