Holladay Chamber Corner
Jan 09, 2015 10:10AM ● By City Journals Staff
Taylor Dutson — Student of the Month.
The Holladay Chamber’s December luncheon at City Hall was a huge success. Thank you to the Olympus High School choir for providing our entertainment and Christopher’s Steakhouse for a great buffet. Mayor Rob Dahle presented Kenneth Melby with the award for Holladay Business Owner of the Year for his contribution to the city and the new plaza shops. Taylor Dutson of Howard R. Driggs Elementary was awarded our Student of the Month. Thank you to the members who attended and to our special guest, Santa.

Kenneth Melby — Holladay Business Owner of the Year
The Chamber board would like to welcome new members: Heather Mooney with State Farm, Brian Bartlett with Mountain View Mortuary and Taylor Read with Max Muscle. Thank you to renewing members, Karen Kreigbaum with Crystal Inn and Ken Bell.
Congratulations to myBusinessBar owner, Kathryn Christiansen, for her nomination as one of Utah’s Top 100 Entrepreneurs.

Olympus High School choir
The Chamber’s first Business After Hours Social will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 13 from 5-7 p.m. at Rice Basil. A ribbon-cutting will be held right at 5 p.m. to celebrate this new restaurant in Holladay. This event is FREE for members to attend. Rice Basil owner, Soy, will have a special menu available for purchase. Come network, meet other members, and enter to win a one-year introductory chamber membership plus other prizes. RSVP to [email protected].
The Chamber board is excited to announce a new events schedule for 2015 to include Business After Hours and our Business Learning Series. More information can be found on Facebook or our Chamber website. www.holladaychamberofcommerce.org